
"Ripples on a stellar pond: Stellar disc dynamics and the Galactic puzzle”


Ripples on a stellar pond: Stellar disc dynamics and the Galactic puzzle
"With the advent of the Gaia data we have uncovered the fine details of the velocity distribution of the stars in the Galactic disc, and precisely characterised its substructures throughout a significant portion of the Milky Way disc(s). In doing so, we are now able to quantify the properties and morphology of each individual kinematic substructure, a first step towards moving beyond the simple treatment of the first and second order moments (mean velocity and its dispersion). I will present the latest advances in this topic, the new structures that have been detected, and discuss its implications on the global properties of the Galaxy and its history. In particular, with regards to the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, a most interesting system that has been giving us trouble since its discovery 28 years ago."
Charla presencial en el salón de seminarios del IFFC y se transmitrá vía Zoom en simultáneo. (interesados pueden solitiar el link)

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