
The Chemistry Area of PEDECIBA exists since the foundation of the program. It brings together graduate students and researchers in: Analytic-Inorganic, Biochemistry, Physical-chemistry and Organic Chemistry subareas. Since its creation, it has supported research on different topics related to chemistry, also engaging in outreach activities, in response to the current needs of society and industry.

In its more than 35 years, around 150 Masters and 240 Doctors were trained within the Chemistry Area of PEDECIBA. The program has collaborated with financial support, for both researchers and students, including the implementation of its own mobility program with scholarships for graduate students, academic exchange, postgraduate courses, subscription and representation in academic associations, as well as the acquisition of research supplies and equipment.

Since 2009, the program promotes and organizes biennially the National Chemistry Meeting (ENAQUI for Encuentro Nacional de Química, in spanish), which has become a regional event. The conference brings together more than 450 participants, including national and international researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and Chemistry professionals. In this event the Prize in Chemical Sciences for the best doctoral thesis is awarded since 2013.

Currently, the program has more than 160 postgraduate students between Masters and Doctorates, and more than 260 researchers in active, associate and emeritus roles.

Chemistry Area News


News Chemistry


Elecciones 2024 del CCA de Química - Publicación de Candidatos y padrones definitivos

Se comunican los Candidatos y los padrones definitivos para las elecciones de representantes al CCA de Química que serán del 20 de noviembre de 2024 a las 10:00 al 21 de noviembre de 2024 a las 10:00.


Curso virtual: Habilidades de Autogestión para Científicos

PEDECIBA invita a investigadoras, investigadores y estudiantes a participar en la modalidad curso virtual del curso diseñado para fortalecer las habilidades de autogestión en el ámbito académico y profesional.



50 (+4) Doctores en Informática

En el marco de las Jornadas Uruguayas de Ciencias de la Computación 2024 - Jorge Vidart, se celebraron los 50 (+4) Doctores en Informática.


Del laboratorio a la pantalla: Descubre algunas de las Investigaciones del Programa Despegue Científico 2023 - 2024

Invitamos a conocer algunos datos sobre el programa "Despegue Científico" y un recorrido por una parte de las Investigaciones apoyadas por PEDECIBA en el ciclo de entrevistas del progrmama “Sobre Ciencia”

Thesis defenses

Useful links


Facultad de Química

Gabriela García - Secretaria - e-mail:

Noelia Ohaco - Auxiliar Contable - e-mail: 
(+598) 2924 2338
(+598) 2924 1906