
The Biology Area of PEDECIBA was born together with the Program, and gathers graduate students and  researchers from the following subareas: Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Botany,  Physiological Sciences, Genetics, Ecology and Evolution, Microbiology, Neurosciences, and Zoology. From  the very beginning, our Area has supported a broad scope of biology-related research and engaged in  activities shared with the general population in an attempt to address society and industry needs.  

Over 35 years since its foundation, PEDECIBA-Biology has successfully hosted the academic training of more  than 500 Masters and Doctors. Financial support for researchers and students has been made available in  the form of competitive calls for applications in order to promote internships, courses and congresses in the  Country or abroad, the organization of graduate courses (approximately 60 of them per year), and the  purchasing of reagents, materials and research equipment. The Area also supports subscription and  representation in national scientific societies such as: Biophysics Sectional (SBF), Biochemistry and  Molecular Biology Sectional (SBBM), Uruguayan Genetics Society (SUG), Uruguayan Society for Sleep  Research (SUIDES), Uruguayan Society of Microscopy and Imaging (SUMI), Neuroscience Society of  Uruguay (SNU), Uruguayan Association of Gene and Cell Therapy (ATGC-U), Uruguayan Zoological Society  (SZU), Uruguayan Society of Microbiology (SUM). 

Every year, the Biology Area of PEDECIBA awards outstanding graduate students with two Prizes in Biological Sciences, named “Eugenio Prodanov” and “Elio García-Austt” to honor the memory of these two distinguished  scientists who were researchers in this Area and founders of PEDECIBA. These prizes award the best  Master’s and Doctoral dissertations for research developed mainly within our Country, and that also represent  a relevant contribution to scientific knowledge in their area of study. 

Currently, the Biology Area has more than 400 graduate students between master’s and doctorate, and more  than 500 active, associate or emeritus researchers.  

Biology Area News


News Biology


Taller de Comunicación Asertiva Junio 2024

Taller de Comunicación Asertiva, cuarta edición a cargo de Alejandra Guidotti. Se realizará el jueves 07 de junio de 2024 de 14 a 17h, presencial. Dirigido a estudiantes e investigadores PEDECIBA.


Jornada de celebración del Día de la Investigación, la Ciencia y la Tecnología - 2024

El próximo 23 de Mayo 17h en la Sala Vaz Ferreira (Biblioteca nacional), las sociedades académicas uruguayas invitan a participar de la jornada de celebración del día Día de la Investigación, la Ciencia y la Tecnología



Primera Experiencia de Investigación (PREXI) 2024. Convocatoria a estudiantes de grado

PEDECIBA realiza este año un llamado piloto a ayudantes de investigación dirigido a estudiantes de grado con interés en realizar una experiencia de investigación en las Áreas del Programa


Llamado al Programa Despegue científico 2024

Este llamado tiene por objetivo apoyar a investigadoras e investigadores que comienzan su trabajo independiente y que aspiran a continuar actividades de investigación en Uruguay para consolidar su carrera académica.

Thesis defenses

Useful links


Investigación - Secretaría Científica
María Victoria Rui
(+598) 25258629 directo
Iguá 4225 piso 1 - Facultad de Ciencias UdelaR

Posgrados - Secretaría Académica
Georgina Taborda
(+598)25258630 directo
Iguá 4225 piso 1 - Facultad de Ciencias UdelaR

Posgrados - Secretaría Académica
Noelia Ohaco
(+598) 25258630 directo
Iguá 4225 piso 1 - Facultad de Ciencias UdelaR

Martín Galindo
(+598) 29241925 interno 1618
Isidoro de María 1614 piso 6 - Facultad de Química