The Geosciences area of PEDECIBA was created in 2009 with the aim of promoting the training of researchers and the generation of knowledge about bio-physical-chemical processes relevant to the functioning of the Earth system at all spaciotemporal scales, whether in a solid medium, liquid or gas.
It is currently made up of more than 50 researchers residing in Uruguay and more than 20 associates abroad. The research areas represented include Edaphology, Geophysics, Physical Geography, Geology, Hydrogeology, Limnology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Paleontology, Variability and Climate Change among others.
The teaching of the Master's Degree in Geosciences began in 2010, and the Doctorate in Geosciences in 2014. Currently, the Master has about 50 students and a similar number of graduates; The Doctorate in Geosciences has about twenty students and the first graduates took place in 2021.
Since the creation of the area, annual academic exchange meetings have been held to encourage knowledge and interaction among its members. Since 2014, the meetings include conferences provided by guests with recognized international experience.
In its most fundamental aspects, the research in Geosciences responds to deep motivations of society to know and understand the functioning of the various aspects of the planet we live. In addition, the work field of Geosciences is central to many problems the world is experiencing today, and in particular Uruguay. Changes in land use and climate change are among the main drivers of global change, which also have consequences in our country. Some examples are the occurrence of heat waves, intense rains and floods that harm tourism, agricultural production, urban infrastructure and vulnerable coastal populations; the relationships between chemical contamination, algal blooms, diminish of oxygen in water and the environmental quality of coastal ecosystems of the country; or, the understanding of the links between ocean properties and circulation with fisheries and regional and global climate regulation.
Research in Geosciences also covers how earthquakes originate, the earth's crust evolution, the origin of mineral deposits of economic interest, hydrogeological studies and the importance of groundwater; rock studies through geochemical and geophysical methods and to understand the evolution of life on the planet; the study of geological, natural and anthropogenic risk areas, about petrous materials conservation and restoration and paleovolcanic studies.
In the last decade, PEDECIBA Geosciences has notably expanded in the number of researchers, students and lines of research, indicating that the demand for geoscientists in the country is great and will probably increase in the coming decades.
Finally, it is highlighted that in addition to its training role and as a generator of knowledge, the area promotes the development of logistical and technological capacities to solve problems with impact on the economy, health and the environmental quality that affect our daily life and well-being.
Geosciences Area News
News Geosciences
Curso virtual: Habilidades de Autogestión para Científicos
PEDECIBA invita a investigadoras, investigadores y estudiantes a participar en la modalidad curso virtual del curso diseñado para fortalecer las habilidades de autogestión en el ámbito académico y profesional.
Sondeo de Interés sobre Actividades de la Comisión de Género de PEDECIBA
Invitamos a estudiantes del Programa a participar en este breve cuestionario, que es fundamental para tomar en cuenta intereses y necesidades en la planificación de futuras actividades.
50 (+4) Doctores en Informática
En el marco de las Jornadas Uruguayas de Ciencias de la Computación 2024 - Jorge Vidart, se celebraron los 50 (+4) Doctores en Informática.
Del laboratorio a la pantalla: Descubre algunas de las Investigaciones del Programa Despegue Científico 2023 - 2024
Invitamos a conocer algunos datos sobre el programa "Despegue Científico" y un recorrido por una parte de las Investigaciones apoyadas por PEDECIBA en el ciclo de entrevistas del progrmama “Sobre Ciencia”
Useful links
Analía Fein
(+598) 2525 8618 al 29 int. 7167
Iguá 4225 piso 12 - Facultad de Ciencias UdelaR