
Exploring the hierarchical formation of the Milky Way: stars, clusters, and streams Julio Carballo Bello (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile)


MARTES 16:00 Sala de Seminarios de Física del IFFC
Exploring the hierarchical formation of the Milky Way: stars, clusters, and streams
Julio Carballo Bello (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile)
The exploration of the outer halo of the Milky Way through wide-sky photometric and spectroscopic surveys has confirmed that the outer layers of our Galaxy are the result of the continuous merging of protogalactic fragments, as predicted by cosmological Lambda-Cold Dark Matter simulations. Since the arrival of the European Space Agency Mission Gaia, we have had a unique opportunity to disentangle the stellar populations found along a single line of sight, thanks to the precious information gathered for more than one billion objects. In this talk, I will present some of our ongoing projects based on Gaia data (and other surveys) aiming to tackle different facets of the Galactic Archaeology field of research, including the search for hypervelocity stars, the detection of stellar haloes surrounding Galactic globular clusters, and the discovery of new halo substructures.
Sala de seminarios de Física del IFFC y sala Zoom 

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